Conditions of Access to Welsh HER data
Please consult the Welsh Archaeological Trust’s Access and Cost Recovery Policy available in English and Welsh (click hyperlink to access) when submitting an enquiry to the Welsh Historic Environment Record. You must comply with conditions detailed in this License agreement.
New or updated information arising from the use or analysis of HER data must be
supplied by the licensee to the HER within 6 months of the project being complete, or within a time limit previously agreed with the HER, and must meet a previously agreed standard. Where a longer period of time is needed this must be negotiated and agreed in writing with HER staff prior to the provision of HER data.
The Data Protection Act (1998)
There is a right to access to the HER to inspect personal information held in the HER enquiries database and on paper. This information is collected for the purposes of administering Welsh Archaeological Trust records and providing archaeological advice. The information will be used to monitor and improve the services offered by the Welsh Archaeological Trusts. It will not be provided to any outside agencies or individuals. If you have a query or concern regarding this please contact the relevant regional office (contact details to be found on the Welsh Archaeological Trusts’ Guidelines for Access and Charging page).